Buying Skin Care Cosmetics ? Consider this first

Buying Skin Care Cosmetics ? Consider this first

Tips To Buy Skin Care Cosmetics

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Buying Skin Care Cosmetics ? Consider this first

– Glowing and healthy looking skin is something we all desire and we adopt all sorts of practices to achieve that. The most important method among all is the use of skin care cosmetics, we apply all sorts of cosmetics on our skin to render it that impeccable appeal. Although the use of skin care cosmetics is quite prevalent but there is one question that always come across or mind when we invest in such kind of products is are these really a safe buy?

– The answer to this questions depend upon the type of product that you are buying, if it is an organic skin care cosmetic then it is a good buy as it is free from any chemicals and has the ability to maintain the natural luster of the skin and if it a synthetically created product then you must check the list of its ingredients and ensure that it does not harm your skin in a vigorous manner.

– The first and foremost thing to do when buying a skin care cosmetic is to find out about your skin type. Be it regular moisturisers and cleansers or other heavy skin cosmetics, this rule applies for all. Find out about your skin type and then buy products according to that. All the skin care cosmetic mention the skin type it is made for on their label e.g for oily skin, for dry skin, etc.

– If you buy non-organic skin cosmetics, it becomes imperative to check their reaction on your skin. The technique to do it is quite simple, just take a small amount of the respective product and apply it on a small patch of your skin. As organic cosmetics are made by using completely natural extracts, they can be used without the fear of any adverse reaction on the skin.

– Do not buy product having ingredients that you are allergic to or products with high concentration of alcohol as this can harm the skin in the long run.

– When it comes to skin care products, quantity doesn’t matter. They should always be applied in appropriate quantity and in the correct way. Excessive application can cause permanent damage to the skin. If there is a skin disorder like acne, eczema, etc, it is mandatory to consult a dermatologist before buying any skin care product.


  • Acne on face
  • Rashes
  • Rosacea
  • moles
  • Etching of skin

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  • Hair loss
  • Hair treatment
  • Wrinkles
  • Spots on skin
  • Pimples



Dr. Pradeep Kumari
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