How to Naturally Prevent Wrinkles

Effective ways to Prevent Wrinkles



Wrinkles are the inevitable signs of aging we can’t avoid unless we go under the knife, lasers, or chemical peels, but they’re expensive and only lessen the appearance.

when skin ages it loses its collagen, which is the skin’s main tightening protein responsible for creating a smooth taut surface.

Here are some everyday habits you should skip to prevent wrinkle

Avoid Pollution: Pollution decreases oxygen and collagen from your skin, Guard your skin with an SPF, wash your face every night before bed, exfoliate twice a week, and moisturize it well.

Over-washing & under-moisturizing:  washing your face excessively can dry out your skin cells, leaving your complexion dull and highlighting any damaged areas. When you wash your face, never skip moisturizing afterward.

Stretching your skin to apply makeup: This is a tough habit to break, but it’s one of the most important ones to ditch to prevent wrinkles.

Not enough sleep: your skin goes through its renewal process. The less sleep you get, the less time your skin and the beauty products you’re using have to do their thing.

Not drinking enough water: As we age, our skin gets thinner and drier, its necessary keep it hydrated. its recommended to drink an average of six to eight glasses of water daily.

Sleeping with your makeup on: When you sleep with your makeup on you’re basically inviting to wrinkles, The makeup, combined with the environmental pollutants that are partying on your skin, seep into your pores and break down your skin’s elasticity. Always wash and moisturize your face before bed.

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Dr. Pradeep Kumari
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