Facts of human skin
– It is body’s largest organ
– Skin accounts for about 15% of your bodyweight.
– Your thinnest skin is on your eyelids.
– And your thickest skin is on your feet.
– Hair is made from Keratin. Keratin also forms fingernails.
– 50% of the dust in your house is made of dead skin.
– An average adult’s skin spans 21 sq. feet, weighs 9 pounds, and contains more than 11 miles of blood vessels.
– Every 5 minutes your skin sheds over 150,000 dead cells.
– 1 in 110,000 people have albinism.
– 4 our of every 5 teenagers get some form of acne.
– 1 out of 20 adult women suffer from acne.
– There are at least five types of receptors in the skin that respond to pain and to touch.
– 1 out of 100 adult men suffer from acne.
– Each 5 square cm of skin may have up to 600 sweat glands.
– Your skin renews itself every 28 days.
– Goose bumps actually help retain a layer of warm air over our body.
– Sometimes, changes in your skin can signal changes in your health as a whole.
- Acne on face
- Rashes
- Rosacea
- moles
- Etching of skin
- Hair loss
- Hair treatment
- Wrinkles
- Spots on skin
- Pimples
- Cosmetic Dermatologist in pune - January 21, 2023
- Essential Vitamins for Beautiful Skin - July 31, 2015
- Benefits of Turmeric for Skin - July 30, 2015